Best Dog Bed For Small Dog
The best dog bed for a small dog is awarded by Grady to Orvis. Grady is 10 year old rescue from Atlanta, Georgia and is happy to have found what he thinks as the best luxury dog bed. There are many reasons to love this Orvis dog bed; however his top 5 reasons include:
- Removable cushion insert – this is a huge benefit to make sure that you can add a second cushion if your small dog likes a little more cushion or if you like to replace your Orvis dog bed insert
- Personalization – Orvis has amazing dog beds available without personalization; however Grady loves to have his name embroidered in the front for all his pals to see and ensure that they know exactly his bed is the best.
- Pattern selection– Grady has had solid colors and recently has decided to add some patterns into his life. With the variety of patterns, Orvis, is sure to have a version that fits with any decor.
- Washable – this is one of the best features of Grady’s luxury dog bed from Orvis. After a bath or session at the local doggie day camp, it is so nice to be able for Grady to enjoy a fresh bed with only a quick zip from the cover.
- Mobile – With society becoming so mobile now days, it is nice to have a round luxury dog bed that is easy to clean, personalize and is easily able to be thrown in the back seat for comfort through Grady’s favorite lunch time drive through restaurants.
According to Grady, he has experienced some cheaper dog beds in his past and is not yet ready for an orthopedic dog bed. To provide you some more background on Grady and his dog bed experience, please continue to follow our blog and we will bring you some more facts and stories that make Grady a real expert in dog bed selection.